Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 2 Google Doc
Make sure you pasted your class homepage link in the Week 1 Google Doc.
Finish two prototypes for P1 that you will present to the class on Tuesday. Please make sure your class website shows your two proposals as well.
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 3 Google Doc
Kelly, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Quickness
Based on the in-class critiques, finalize P1 for Tuesday's presentations.
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 4 Google Doc
Ben, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Visibility
Republish a Text Critique Format
For today's critique, we will spend ~16 minutes on each person. For the first ~10 minutes, everyone but the designer can talk. The classmate to your right will explore your project, projected for the entire class to see. During this time, we should try to have a conversation about the work, or at least describe it. Then, in the last ~6 minutes, the designer can respond to the conversation we just had.
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 4 Google Doc
Ben, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Visibility
There will be a lecture by Experimental Jetset at 7PM in Timken Lecture Hall. Please attend and then return to class afterwards. You will need to write a brief summary of their talk for next Thursday.
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 5 Google Doc
What is Code? by Paul Ford, 2015
This is a very long article. We aren't going to read the whole thing, but you can if you want to.
Required parts:
For P2, create three unique directions for your typeface. Begin by sketching the letters H O D N O P. Conceptually and formally, each direction should be uniquely different from each other. While sketching, consider how each typeface would exist as code and in the browser space. (Do this in InDesign or Illustrator and create a PDF to discuss on Tuesday.)
No presentations next week.
Attend the lecture of Experimental Jetset in Timken Lecture Hall at 7PM. Return to class afterwards.
(choose either lower or upper case)
0123456789 (numbers)
.?!,”“ (punctuation)
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 6 Google Doc
Computed Type by Christoph Knoth, 2012
Please create two unique proposals (using InDesign) for the website your typeface will live on. How can your website's focus not only reinforce but push forward the concept of your typeface? Remember to upload the sketches to your class website.
Now that you've had a CSS refresher, please style your class homepage.
Kirk, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Visibility.
For P2, continue developing your website and your typeface. See how far you can push it. On Tuesday, I want to see it started in code.
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 7 Google Doc
Visible Wisdom by Muriel Cooper, 1994
Veena, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Multiplicity
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 8 Google Doc
Jimmy, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Exactitude
Each designer will have 10 minutes to present their CSS Typeface and receive feedback to apply for the final week.
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 9 Google Doc
Here is a link: text: jsfiddle update to re-using your letters.
Justin, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Lightness
CSS Typeface Critique Format
For today's critique, we will spend ~16 minutes on each person. For the first ~10 minutes, everyone but the designer can talk. The classmate to your right will explore your project, projected for the entire class to see. During this time, we should try to have a conversation about the work, or at least describe it. Then, in the last ~6 minutes, the designer can respond to the conversation we just had.
Enjoy your Spring Break! When we return, we will deploy P3.
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 11 Google Doc
Internet with a Human Face by Maciej Ceglowski, 2014
Iris, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Exactitude
Spring Break! No class this week.
Listening and reading
Listen to the podcast and read the PDF on the Hoax project page. Think about the connections between the two and your personal opinion on both. Paste a paragraph written response or ask three questions in the Week 12 Google Doc before 6pm on Tuesday.
Develop two ideas for P3 Hoax. Produce a wireframe/sketch of each hoax website, beginning with the home page and one detail page. On Tuesday, we will have one-on-one discussions to review.
Tannia, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Multiplicity
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 13 Google Doc
Eva, please prepare your presentation on Italo Calvino's Lightness
Begin coding your Hoax website. By next week, your site should be online and basically functioning as intended.
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 14 Google Doc
Class Archive
This will be due via email on Monday, May 9th.
From the syllabus:
At the end of the term, you will be required to send me an archival .zip file to document your projects. If you do not send me the archive, you will fail the class.
Please follow the instructions below:
—When creating the archive, make sure your assets are optimized for web so that the file sizes are as small as possible
— Make sure every link on your class homepage is working.
Students will present their in-progress sites on Tuesday with special guest critic Chris Hamamoto.
Class Archive
This will be due via WeTransfer on Monday, May 9th.
Each designer will have 15 minutes to present their Hoax website and receive feedback to apply for the final week.
For next week, perfect your Hoax website.
Create 3 discussion questions. Include this in the Week 16 Google Doc
Class Archive
Remember: this is due via email on Monday, May 9th